Sunday, May 4, 2014

[cyberjoke3000] May 5, 2014

It's Al Lowe's CyberJoke 3000™

And I thought California Chrome referred to a browser! 

Remember the lottery illusion video I sent out last week? I asked you to tell me how it was done and you came through! Spoiler Alert: here's how. The audience selection business with the paper wad was genuinely random. The numbers mentioned were then printed onto a blank lottery ticket by a remote-controlled, miniature thermal printer hidden inside the microphone and controlled by an off-stage assistant. While Chad walked to the stage, Nate removed the ticket from the base of the mike and discretely folded it into quarters with his right hand. When Nate removed the mike from the stand at 5:15, it had a red top and a black bottom. Seconds later, when he handed Chad the mike, it was red on both top and bottom. (Did you notice that the mike didn't amplify Chad's voice when he spoke?) When Nate opened the wallet, his right hand was oddly curled, hiding the freshly printed ticket. Looking at Chad distracted the audience from his hand. (If the ticket was actually in the wallet, he would have handed Chad the wallet and let him open it.) Personally, I'm now more impressed with Nate's skill than when I first watched this video. I hope you enjoy knowing how it's done, too, thanks to CyberJokesters Albert van der Sluis, Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira, Nick Chambers, Bob Bates, and Richard Baylis, who all saw what I couldn't and were kind enough to share. And here's the link again, so you can watch it with this new knowledge:

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Today's CyberJoke 3000™

A priest bragged to his buddy, the rabbi, about his technique of eating restaurant meals for free. "I go in late, eat a large meal slowly, linger over my coffee, and have a port. When they're ready to close, eventually a waiter will ask me to pay. I just say, 'I paid your colleague who left.' Because I'm a man of the cloth, they take my word for it, and I leave." The rabbi was impressed. "Let's try it together tonight." They did and, come 2 AM, they were both still quietly sitting there. Sure enough, a waiter came over and asked them to pay. The priest said, "I've already paid your colleague who left." And the rabbi added, "And we're still waiting for our change!"


Why do they make glow-in-the-dark condoms? So gay men can play Star Wars. 

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